Friday, June 15, 2007


Voy a describir como se hace crecer "el negocio" y las implicaciones en cada paso

Se asume que no importa si son mis invitados directos (yo los invito) o indirectos (un invitado de alquien que yo invite y ahora es representante)

Se describira el crecimiento en numero de personas no importa de donde salieron. Posteriormente se hara un analisis de esa parte.

Se analizara el caso que YOR presume siempre: DE DOS EN DOS, IGUALITO QUE SE POBLO EL MUNDO

Entro a YOR:

Pago $350 USD por la membresia de 1 año (cada año se debe renovar)

Quiero estar certificado?, es decir quieres aspirar a recibir match pay y residual?

OK, necesitas 6 clientes

OK, ahora buscalos!!!!!!!!!!!! (que esperas, solo son 6 !!!!)

- A cada uno de los 6 clientes Persuadelo de que te contrate un plan mundial 20, 40 o 60 para que le asignen un numero telefonico gringo y todas sus llamadas a Mexico salgan asi

No les menciones las llamadas a celular, ya que estas salen mas caras con YOR que con TELMEX

Diles que la idea es formar una "RED TELEFONICA ALTERNA" y que lo que conviene es que todos sus amigos y familiares tengan un servicio contratado con YOR porque las llamadas entre clientes YOR son gratis (que novedad!!!)

Diles que si contratan el plan anual les saldra mas barato que si pagan la renta mensual. El pago es en dolares y descontable de tu tarjeta de credito, pero NO se acepta AMERICAN EXPRESS

Diles que es unicamente para personas, porque YOR no expide facturas por el servicio ni por los PAP2 para empresas, que en tal caso busque a algun amigo que le pueda facturar "por afuera", pero que mejor se quite de complicaciones y que mejor se los venda a puros particulares que no lo esen molestando con facturas.

Diles que su inico comprobante de que pagaron sera el estado de cuenta del banco

Diles que si en un mes dado rebasan el tiempo o las llamadas del plan, YOR automaticamente les descontara $15 dolaritos como fondo de aseguramiento para que puedan seguir hablando

Asegurate de saber los pasos que hay que completar en la pagina de internet para que los puedas dar de alta, de otro modo pidele ayuda a tus flamantes uplines para que ellos te lo den de alta y tu te quedes sin saber como lo hicieron

Ves que facil ha sido???

Ahora para que empieces a recibir dinero "de inmediato" debes hacer crecer tu organizacion

Aprendete la regla de las 24 horas para que de inmediato uses tu flamante lista de 100 o mas potenciales invitados, ahora comienza a invitarlos, hablales por telefono, recuerda que es la unica forma en la que debes invitar en YOR (para que no te metas en problemas en caso de preguntas incomodas o para que culegues si es necesario y le llames a tu upline para que te de la respuesta a esa pregunta acida que te hicieron).

Ve por tus invitados en tu coche, no importa lo que gastes en gasolina o desgaste de tu coche, invierte todas tus tardes noches, para ver quien se apiada de ti y atienede a las reuniones.

Paga tu tarjeta fusion (solo $250 pesitos) para que te dejen entrar y puedas llevar a los mas invitados que puedas a 8 eventos en los proximos 2 meses, de otro modo, compra otra tarjeta (no hay problema).

Haz que tus invitados firmen bajo tu organizacion y comienza a encadenarte a estar atendiendo a una organizacion que tendra que hacer exactamente lo que tu has hecho. en otras palabras, ser enseñable. De aqui en adelante no trabajaras mas que para NO QUEDARLES MAL a los que eventualmente te firmen bajo tu organizacion. Tendras que atender cada vez a mas eventos, aunque tu ya no lleves invitados, ahora atenderas a los invitados de tus dowlines, pero eso no importa solo estas adquiriendo este pequeño paquete adicional.

Cuando alguien te firme como nuevo representante, lo debes persuadir de inmediato para que consiga 6 clientes para estar certificado y empezar a "RECIBIR" dinero.

Recapitulando, hasta este punto tu amigos deben invertir $700 USD entre los dos y que tu estes certificado para que recibas tus flamantes primeros $30 USD de MATCH PAY. Mencione que si tus nuevos representantes no estan CERTIFICADOS (6 clientes cada quien) no aplican para TU match pay?

Luego tus amigos ahora representantes deben hacer lo mismo, es decir invitar hasta que les firmen 2 cada quien (tienen que estar certificados) para que tu tengas un izquierdo y un derecho ) MATCH, otros $60 USD (2 match pay).

Ya llevas $90 USD (toda una fortuna, cuanto has invertido hasta este punto en planes de negocio, formas de aplicacion, flipchart, tarjeta fusion, gasolina, valet parking???)
Mencione que una persona que hoy entra en tu organizacion te da a ganar HOY un MATCH PAY y NUNCA mas

La siguiente tabla muestra el esquema actual de Match Pay ($30 USD aprox)

Juan Pueblo necesita 1024 personas en su organizacion (no importa si el las invito o las invitaros sus downlines) para ganar 30,690 USD.
En cuanto tiempo podras meter a 1024 personas en tu organizacion????????


Anonymous said...

q bien q des testimonio de tu experiencia, la info es muy valiosa, y es mucho de lo que queria saber ahora q me invitaron... aun sigo investigando para ver q onda, gracias.

DanK said...

Esto es lo que escribí hace un tiempo en un foro de scams luego de haber asistido a una "entrevista de trabajo" en el hotel New Yorker en la calle 34th y la 8th Av, en Manhattan:

This is the new metamorphosis of and, little multifaceted spawns of Dennis Wong and Jefferey P. Morgan.
They are exploiting a pyramidal scheme or a MLM, Multi-Level Marketing, or Network Marketing. More precisely in this case a Binary Matrix.

If you went to the presentation and got convinced by their smooth talking, first of all take a look at this lawsuits of the FTC for fraud:

If you feel you owe them everything because they changed your life, and you feel and justify yourself your poor income due to your laziness or that you didn't put much of your time in it... THAT IS HOW MOST PEOPLE FEEL AND ARE EXPERIENCING, EVEN YOUR SUCCESSFUL RECRUITER.
The top recruiters are basically taught to pretend to be successful (and dress accordingly), take the leadership of the conversation, to mislead and most important of all to take advantage of your deep weaknesses and make you see how your life will change after joining this fastly growing company, making overhyped promises. (It is said in the presentation that the VoIP industry is a market of about 300 thousand billion dollars. The whole money in the US makes a total of only 6.2 thousand billion, so their estimation really makes sense)

Most people that are still in this company defend it fanatically without any consistent evidence to support their statements, ignoring unavoidable FACTS such as the lawsuits and the highly criticized controversy around the founders of this huge scamming unethical company.
Victims don't realize that they are being manipulated when the recruiter say to them that the recruiter himself had a couple of bucks before but now they drive a porsche 911, or when ask them if they are a loser, or if they want to become a winner, or earn a lot of money, retire in a few years, or get rid of your unsatisfying job, to be the one on charge, etc...

If you experience(d) that, everything that makes you feel awkward, believe to your guts, they are(were) manipulating you.

They rely in the emotional ties with "resellers" (victims) weak people, making them feel "new born" and "eternally grateful" even if that kind of cynical "friendship" lead them to bad credit, financial struggling and even bankruptcy.

I personally went there to see how they are.
I acted myself as a wussy, unaware and undecided guy to see the full extension of their persuasive and mental abuses.


I can recognize that they are very good in that.
Excellent Smooth talking! Very persuasive. Very abusive.

You may see one or two Vipers parked in front of the New Yorker Hotel on 34th street and 8th Ave., to make you reinforce the feeling that everything must be true and successful.

And listen to me, I'm a network administrator, computer technician, majoring in economics and finance, previously studied foreign trade, and right now I'm taking psychology and sociology classes just for fun at college, because I always loved that.
I cover all the areas that (aka., can try on me.
They were bulshitting about TIER 1 networks worldwide. I remarked to him that he told me they have penetrated in Latin American countries. He held his statement. Well, people, TIER 1 is hard to find in poor countries such as Nicaragua were their fastest broadband is DSL with 256 Kbit/s. And we are talking the fastEST.
In America there are only 9 ISPs that are real Tier 1 Networks.

When I asked him what was this all about, he explained to me that the company is growing so fast that already it is a multimillion company in only 5 years. (I was wondering why I never heard of it in Business Week, Newsweek, Fortune or Wall Street Journal)
Then explained that since they are growing so fast, they want me to earn money when it is still under the shadows participating as a part of the company. (Then I assumed that instead of a job interview I was actually in a reunion of potential investors and that they wanted to fraud them with shares of a shell company)
Then he continued saying that the company needs shares and resellers. (I thought that I guessed right)

After a long explanation about the services and products, unique business opportunities they had to offer (A blatant copy of Skype) and suspecting remarks of how they want me to participate in their growing wealth he showed me a Flash animation where there was a Pyramid scheme and everything fitted:
He was actually making an analogy of getting a share of a company when it has very high potentials but is still unknown, with being a "reseller" (being part of a company or of the pyramid). Very confusing way to keep me sit for an hour and a half bullshitting me without really telling me the real story.

Very deceptive way to introduce me to be a "Reseller". Any other clueless guy could have fallen in this swift maneuver, maybe delightfully.

All the Business presentation, person-to-person job interview, it was everything a big facade to the main purpose: To Sell you stuff.
YES MISTER OR MISSES, All pyramid schemes are actually that. You are not really master of your business. You are not your own boss. You are their clients. A Franchise? My ass.
Their revenue don't come from selling their products or services, their revenues comes from YOU, since you are the only one paying the annual fee of $390 dollars package for having the "tools" to sell, $700 for three packages (they say you'll have more opportunities to grow), or $1200 for five (which puts you in a higher level and you can get more money from bonuses).
But actually you will ever sell anything. Whatsmore they will incentive you to recruit more people and get bonuses for that.

If everybody recruits people, and everybody below you recruits people, and so on, and they expect you to do so, where is the money coming from? Where is the revenue of the company expected to come from? FROM THE RESELLERS.

And they know that making you believe that it is not really a expense but an INVESTMENT (*shares* tingling) you'll spend that much money. You are buying opportunities of growth, how much does that worth it?
If you are not performing well, that is because you didn't go the last training session or you are not putting the best of you in the job or you need more packages to fulfill your potentials.

What really made me laugh out of loud (but showing a dumb unaware neutral face) is that in the Flash presentation he bragged that the password he is about to enter has a value such as a Social Security Number, and that it has a cost. That is why that "key" has such a value, and that key to success is what they are going to give me, if I buy the package. I was wondering how valuable this password would be if it is in clear text and even not shaded or hidden in asterisks.
After that bullshitting, he pressed enter and it simulated some kind of accessing to a "reserved network" for only "members". But he did NOT have ANY INTERNET CONNECTION. IT WAS CLEARLY DISCONNECTED.
Not only that, I decompiled thousands of SWF files in my life and converted to FLA source files to clone webpages, so I knew that the login was a fake one and that it only moved from one frame to another, even before he pressed enter to "submit" the password.
But he didn't realize that and continued sticked to his script.

Then the Creme de la Creme came. After explaining to me the differences of between other pyramidal systems such as the pyramidal structures of society (and oppressing), pyramidal and vertical structures of corporations (and oppressing) and his pyramidal schemes (freeing and the panacea of all evil), he just opened his application sheet for "Independent Resellers" and asked my Name. I immediately knew it would follow my address, phone number, bank account or credit card and pin number...
So I said If that was it, he said yes. I asked him to give me some time to think about it. He insisted asking me what do I have to think about it. I said I think slowly and with time. He replied that that is a lie, and asked me If I did take a shower today in the morning. I answered yes, and he asked me if I thought about it. ("Fallacy of the Consequent" but in a good timing)
Then I asked him if he buys a new house, would he buy it the first time he sees it before comparing other choices or doing some research? He said yes to that and added that a winner (or weener?) knows when something is good and takes it in the first chance.

I'm still amazed for this (of many) shameless attempt of manipulation.

Then said I would think about it and I would contact him. He asked me If I had time tomorrow, I said I had exams. Then he asked me if I don't eat, I would be in problems if I don't eat. I replied "Of course I eat", then he said, "then let's have a meal together, what about that". WTF?
"No I don't have time." Then he asked me: "what about the next day? Do you have time the next day?"
WTF x2?!

shameless pressuring, insisting, stressing... manipulating

Then I said that actually I'm not interested by now since I was expecting a technical support position since my background and experience.
Then he said: "then why all the bullshitting?" (that's the last straw! he saying that I'm bullshitting? pleeease...)
I said: "I'm not really interested by now, but it seems interesting, I'm gonna contact you. I have your number."

I shaked his hands and left.

People, I hope that my experience shows a little bit of what they are.
All this is what they call "F U C K their M I N D". Very subtle. If you are working for Yorvoice and you are a "independent reseller" you'll never hear that expression, it is reserved only revealed to the top trainers.
For you it will be everything as fresh as a daisy.

Entrepreneur2E said...

Thanks for all the wonderful information. You saved my hard earned money before I even heard anything they had said about their business. I went to their so called “Technology Orientation Meeting” held at the New Yorker in Manhattan. I got there 30 minutes early and the line of young innocent sheep (prospects) was already going around the block. While I was there waiting on line I looked at some of the paper work some of these reps were showing to their prospects. I saw their logo and name which was never disclosed to me when I was invited to this meeting. I used the time to my advantage and when off to find an internet café near by. I found one and googled their asses. This is how I found about the law suit against them back when the business had a different name. I went back to the hotel anyway to see how the hold thing was done. This business is praying on naive college drop outs and other people with dead end jobs that can’t help themselves. I did spoke to a couple educated people with decent jobs who were just curious like me. I feel bad for all the people that wrote checks out that night for these crocks. I on the other hand, at the end of the presentation just before the guy who invited me came to take my money, I pretended I had to take a shit and left.



Anti BS Vaccine

Anonymous said...

Gracias a Internet y a tus comentarios me salvé de caer en la garras de ésta "compañia", mejor dicho "secta lavacerebros", asistí a una de sus reuniones aquí en Costa Rica y hubo muchas cosas que no me gustaron. Por ejemplo, las personas (empleadas de la misma empresa) siempre vitoreaban a la persona que estaba exponiendo con frases como "¡WOW!", "¡BUENÍSIMO!", "¡CLARO!, además de que aplaudían como focas, ahí me di cuenta que éstas personas tienen el cerebro lavado y están entrenadas para embaucarte. Desafortunadamente para ellos, no caí en la trampa, ya que busqué información sobre la "compañía" en Internet y me di cuenta que no es más que un gran fraude (sólo digiten "yor fraude", "yor estafa" o "yor scam" en Google). Lástima que las autoridades aquí como en otros países de Latinoamérica no tomen cartas en el asunto.

Anonymous said...

Son tan falso que nadie le creen...perdi a el amor de mi vida por culpa de estos hijo de pu.....a

Anonymous said...

i love their products. who ever listens to other people have no mind of thier own.

example: my friend told me a movie was bad... but i decided to go and watch it anyway! it was awesome!!! everyone has their own thoughts.

i save soo much money and they have potential. oh by the way. when there is a new ceo of a company the name can change. just like banks do it all the time. so that argument makes no sense. and about the sue. mcdonalds got sued for crist sakes lol every big company gets sued. and if fda didnt approve us. then fda would be involved again and recieve another lawsuit.. dont ya think?? hahaha.. but then again 87% of population thinks negative so u are just that percentile :D

Anonymous said...

Its funny how the idiot above defends he\she sounds so fucking brainwashed. Let me ask you a question How the fuck can you state that 87% of the world thinks negative? this sounds like the type of shit that faggot johny ly says to keep you guys thinking your special. face it your brainwahed dumbass,keep giving these assholes your hard earned money so they can keep telling you belong in the 13% that think positavelly.

O yeah you are right every big company gets sued,but I dont think they get sued for practicing illegal pyramiding.

Anonymous said...

See I clearly see why ur saying theses things because u simply quit. Im not defending im just confident About the business and don't care what people say. I don't need to pour out facts to u cause u already displayed ur results how it didn't work work out for u cause u quit. To understand What a pyramid scheme is u have to know the difference between network marketing is also. Pyramid schemes are illegal and based on taking advantage of people. for a person to make money in this pyramid scheme, someone has to lose money, But network marketing (Ex. Avon, Mary Kay, Myspace, and yes the company u quit Yor.Com and many more....) each person can multiply his or her efforts, skills and talents by helping others be successful.. In Fact Network marketing has proved itself as a part of a new economy and a preferred way to do business across the county. Now u said its a pyramid right-well almost every large sales organization is that. Salespeople get comissions, and sales managers get overrides or bonuses on top of that, and sales directors on top of that, and vp's on top of that. Anybody can say something bad about a company easy over the internet just like yourself. your trying so hard to convince people to follow u, but what u don't understand is that armatures Convince and Experts Sort. In this cause of experts im talking about Now johnny ly and many other reps in the company of YOR is not going to do brain surgery for u to get it if u don't get nor want to get it and gonna quit. quiting is a major downfall in the network marketing business, but thats to bad for them. its okay to quit if u don't like it. There are no promises that u will be rich and have the wildest dreams of success if ur gonna quit or not work as hard.. some people don't have that credibility and think its not for them automatically. at this point some people feel its not for them and say how it didn't work for them to there friends, family, and even over the internet, but the ones that wants to do what everyone one else is NOT doing such as complaining about life, broke, no jobs, getting owned without knowing, not doing anything but relying on 1 check with no back up plan at least then there the ones thats gonna get different results. if ur with a girlfriend or boyfriend thats always treating u bad and u wanna break up with them, but u don't whats gonna happen????? ur gonna keep getting the feeling to leave them over and over and over again until u leave then u will get different results.
Im not saying that is the solution but if YOR the com has the results you want that the people achieved then go for it cause it can be a solution for u to get better results if u dont quit. It says in the first year of network marketing "if u survive your first 10yrs of network marketing u will have financial success of ur wildest imagination. my Question to you MR hate YOR did u stay with the company For Over 10 years? or at least as long as 4 or even 2??? in Business u don't get in and get rich right away.. its Process and stability. u can't go to a presentation about cars and buy the car that same day then know how to fix it the next day.. u will have to keep going until u learn about it fully and understand the hardship than duplicate yourself so u can teach others how to do the same and guess what happens when that pattern repeats itsself??? u get a team and a organization but u gotta understand that its a process and stability.. u just quit so in your case it was process and gave up cause something bad happened to u and im sorry that u had to let the internet world know.. people everyday talk bad about companys. go to the Better business site and type in walmark, fast foods like micky d's and you will see so many people saying bad shit but we still shop and eat there.. well it didn't work out for them.. if the business was so bad then why didn't the FTC (federal Trade commissions) shut these business down including YOR? in fact we passed FTC 8 years ago. FTC has the power to shut any business down in 2 minuets or less if it was scam or a scheme or not good business at all. Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Hay que tratar de entender un poco a esta gente, pero no permitirles que sigan destruyendole la vida a quien se les ponga enfrente.

"Una mentira repetida cientos de veces acaba convirtiendose en una verdad para el sujeto expuesto a ella"

La mente humana es mucho más frágil y manipulable de lo que solemos creer. Empleando unas sencillas técnicas de manipulación mental "Lavado de cerebro" de manera simultanea y continua por cierto tiempo (adoctrinamiento, repetición hasta la saciedad de frases o slogans, hipermotivación, exaltación emocional, anulación del entorno, fanatización, anulación de la racionalidad, presión grupal, "bombardeo de amor",etc) un porcentaje considerable de personas acaba haciendo y pensando lo que los "programadores" quieren que hagan y que piensen.
Por eso cuando se les cuestiona acerca de su "negocio" todos contestan de la misma manera, sin razones coherentes como esta persona que dice que el 87% de la gente piensa de manera negativa.

Lo que si me intriga es porque ahora no solo han cambiado de nombre varias veces sino de giro, ya que en vez de vender telefonía ahora venden suplementos alimenticios.

Anonymous said...

this is a reponse to the post above the one above.

dude seriously im sorry if im ruining your "business" but I have to let people know whats going on. Yor is nothing but a fraud, you are probably new to this company thats why your freshly brainwashed.I dont doubt that you can reach success in an mlm company but is not one of them. And to answers your question I never quit because I never joined this shit in the first place.I smelled the bullshit that was being said and ran away fast., ixp ,2by2 has not even been around for 10yrs ,so for you to say that you see results in the company after 10 years makes no sense. that just shows that you are brainwashed ,the managers tell you this so that you stay in the company and renew yor "franchise" every year,dumbass :}. Also if you want people to believe that is real try using phrases that dont make you sound brainwashed "process & stability" tell me this is not a phrase that that asian johny ly says all the time.then again you are in the 13% that thinks positive. !!!!We got a DUMBASS in the house!!!! O yeah what do you guys sell Now health products hook me up my nigga.

Anonymous said...

LOL now i never YOR been out for ten years. What i said was a qoute from the book of "the first Year of NETWORK MARKETING".. no matter what u say you will only get into the mind of someone that doesn't know about network marketing.. now lets be for real here if u go to a gym to build up your ab's for 5-10yrs and not work out at all are u gonna get results?? no!!!!!!!! wanting results, but doing the same things over and over is insanity. Now if u did go to a gym for 5-10yrs and did work out at least 1 hour a day for 5yrs u will see results for sure. Try to convince the FTC about networking marketing is a scam lol go ahead please.. see when i rad your thoughts and belief i completely respect your OPINION because i know that u can only get so much your first day. i mean can u learn math the first day?? why do u think school is 4yrs for and to get a masters its 8yrs??.. thats like saying "LISTEN EVERYONE DON'T TAKE DEIT SUPPLEMENT PILLS BECAUSE ITS JUST A SCAM TO PAY OFF THE COMPANY WHO MADE THE PILLS.. I TOOK THEM AND IT DOESN'T WORK I GAINED MORE WEIGHT.. DON'T TAKE IT ITS A WASTE OF TIME". okay now that makes sense, but are u eating right?? its a supplement not a cure.. no matter how strong a pill is it wont and i'll say it again pills wont ever change a persons bad habits ... does this make the company of that pill a scam?? no its a fucking supplement pill and u have to work with it and not sit on your ass expecting it to do something.. so back to network marketing if u went to one presentation or 20 of them verses people going to 2yrs worth who is gonna have a better knowledge. thats self explanatory. i will not say anymore after this.. go to the FTC and you'll see that the only fraud here is what your saying cause u see the FTC has the power to shut down any business in less than 3 minutes yet pass FTC 7-8 years ago and been clean since than. so the 2by2, ixp shit was years ago and that was because of the guy who originally found the company. he was bad news and gave the company a bad name therefore it has be re owned by dennis and named changed for the better and been fine.. FTC has gave another chance and where fine.. quit hating dude and if u want the health products go to an event.. take care im done with this i have customers right now.. go to the BBB the suggestion box and add on to that persons business with crap just like they say about walmart and micky d's.. but yet the FTC didn't shut them wow dude i respect your opion but it aint facts sorry dude.. any mis spelled words i did i don't care at least im not complaining about life no more.

Anonymous said...

Believe me my friend Im not complaining about life. I got everthing I want because I work hard for it, which I dont think could be said about some people. Now it is a little hard for me to understand what you are trying to express in your post because some sentences dont make sense.well first of all or could have not passed the ftc 7-8 yrs ago because it was not created until 2005 which was about 3yrs ago. Now if im correct the ftc caught 2by2 in the act of a pyramiding sheme which lead to a big fine towards 2by2. So the change of name to ixp then or .com was made and now they are changing it to ig2. THis leads me to believe that they keep changing names when their reputatioon gets dirty to avoid authorities. Now I know that dennis wong is like a god to you but you got see that the guy is a crook he was involved when they got busted in 2005. you guys use the voip service to cover what you guys are really running a pyramid scheme. Now tell me something if its not a scam why do you guys advertise this as a job on the businness cards you give " VoIP installers needed, flexible schedules,training if needed, great pay " come on man. Now like I said I know that by writing this post im ruinning your businness and that gets you mad but what can I say.I just hate people that try to take advantage of others.MlM is good business when put to good use, but by flashing clothes,cars and telling kid's that they could be rich beyond their dreams is not a good example of mlm. in other words,YOR.COM,IG2 are scams. You may respond by saying that I have no vision, or that I have broke mentallity but what can I do. Please stop using examples of other things like school to copare to "its like comparing intelligence to ignorance".Also why do you think the bbb and ftc give your company an F. Dont get mad get glad. :)

Anonymous said...

its funny how u said Im mad that your harming my business.. in fact your not at all. see your keep attacking what happened to the company bringing up the history report. "FTC DID NOT SHUT YOR.COM OUT OF BUSINESS" the bbb is someone else's business.. its a suggestion box. the reason why Walmart has a bad name is because of the history report in the past. Now im not here to prove to you anything. I say that simply because u keep throwing me past facts.. yes you said facts about 2by2 ixp ext.. yes u know facts and it tells infomation but u don't know the stories behind it.. let me ask u a question do you really know why Dennis wong changed the name YOR from IXP? U will say to cover up but really who can run away from the FTC and remain illegal?!?!?!? that was pretty dumb to say yor is illegal but i do respect your opinion. see when the company was called 2by2 there was a group of people called the lucky 7. theses guys in fact did illegal practices by telling people you can get rich quick. there were promoting the business with promises that wasn't logical nor legal what so ever. guess what happened? they got busted and since there where in the company the company was responsible for there illegal actions. Example micky d's got sued because of people always littering and sanitations picked up on that and sent them a fine.. now today u will see small icons on the the drinks and burgers of a trash can displaying to throw out your trash.. in this case of 2by2 in the PAST we got a law suit and took the blame because of the lucky 7..they were called that because there indeed made allot of money and promoted their success as a promises to people getting started they can achieve and make money just like that did as a way to get them in... thats called bribery and its wrong and taken advantage of people. The company didn't do anything illegal the people did. Now because of that we made arrangements and make it know for reps not to display what the lucky 7 did. In this case people are like ummmmm but it doesn't matter they got sued by being in the company so what is there job to do?! they got sued anyway so i don't care!!! we say things like that but every large or small company go's through shit based on the people and lack of direction. that time was not clear not to make those claims cause we trusted the people not to. This is now permanently no matter how legitimate your business is. guess what that means? the suggestion box site (bbb) go's by the people opinion's on what they think but it comes down to the FTC and we past it.. yea we got an F due to what happened but we where giving a chance only because our work wasn't illegal. in fact our products is what people need in their lives so why would the FTC shut that down.. so we where giving a choice to either continue of terminate the lucky 7 and we did and wised the fuck up. sorry for the lack of words.from that point the named change to IXP. that doesn't say were not a legitimate organization. The name change to ixp cause we where dealing with technology, network, dial-up, netzoro, etc.its logical to change the name of something when your doing something new and different. names changes and its normal.. WB11 was not always WB11 and i know that for a fact because i used to model wan i was younger and i was in the company when it was called something else.. years later it changed to WB11..anyway IXP was owned by JP morgen not dennis.. see JP morgen was all about the money and not the people what so ever.. allot of the people their did not like him at all because of the person he was. sure i must say that products were legitimate because everyone had dial-up one point. it be absurd to say we got it from a scam. But in business dealing with people is very important to your business and there for JP morgen wasn't a legitimate person. In fact people was saying bad things about him. Yes JP morgen is the original founder, however dennis wong bought him out cause he had different morals. In fact he was all about the people. he was all about your money, your well being, your compensation plan, your service, your everything...etc he was more about You than the money.. see walmart in fact does sell legitimate products cause it deals with what people need. people need socks, pots & pans, cloths, and its at a cheap price and thats what YOR is doing.. high quality & low cost.. people will in fact go for that and people say bad things about it on the BBB just because they think its bad wow.. look at walmart today. do u really think the Majority cares that it was a "mommy and papi" store in the begining?! no! lol but it doesn't change there rates because its the bad past is there for life. anyway since dennis was not dealing with products that JP morgen company was doing there was a name change (fact).. we moved on to a better service that technology was shifting to and thats VOIP boardband phone service. like i said the he was all about the people and calling the company YOR was ideal because its gonna be Yor service, yor products, yor money, yor business. its short and simple and legal. it wasn't a cover up.. its clear that u do research well but you can only create stories based on facts but u have no clue on the insides and u wouldn't know that cause ur there and im here with the people.. i dont even know dennis like that and i now about this shit.. i alfredy knew about the law suit the 2nd day i got started because i had to rush home but i was informed about the past and mad an appointment to see who the top manager about the history on a 1 on 1 basis and i had a choice to ask for a refund. you didn't even get to that point. im still active today yet im fine.. a scam don't pass FTC at all and ever since the law suit back in the past when the company was called 2by2 we been clean since then, because of the mistakes we made it's very clear not to promote it as a job cause its not. and as for business cards we don't display it as a job. its an business opportunity. it is flexable hours cause u decide how many hours u want to invested, it is competitive pay (it didn't say wages) the compensation plan is competitive compared to others that exist. facts tell & stories sells. micky d's gets threats with law suits because its not healthy food, but what they did and many other fast foods are doing now is displaying the cal cost to your deit and health.your deciding to eat a meal of high cal rates. its up to the people now to deside not the business.. people try to shut busineses down but its up to the FTC and they say different cause legitimate business don't do anything illegal.. YOR doesn't do anything illegal.. in fact this is what it says about yor before u sign this and share your thoughts if u may..

"YOR DISTRIBUTORS ARE INDEPENDENT REPRESENTATIVES AND ARE NOT AGENTS, EMPLOYEES OR PARTNERS OF THE COMPANY. DISTRIBUTORS ARE SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED FROM MAKING INCOME CLAIMS..(remember the 7 people in 2by2?..yea they did the complete opposite not the company its self) ANY REPRESENTATIONS MADE BY DISTRIBUTORS, INCLUDING INCOME CLAIMS, MAY NOT BE RELIED UPON BY PROSPECTIVE DISTRIBUTORS AND CUSTOMERS AND COMPANY SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR SUCH CLAIMS (did u get that? in other words if your a rep doing illegal practices and not follow the proven training system can legally train, then YOR is not taking blame. you will be terminated and it says that on the app. the lucky 7 was a lesson learned MR.) ANY AND ALL INCOME EARNED ARE BOTH DIRECTLY AND INDIRECTLY INFLUENCED BY SEVERAL FACTORS INCLUDING, HARD WORK, DEDICATION, GEOGRAPHY, PERSONAL SKILL, AND OUTSIDE FACTORS. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES OF INCOME OR POTENTIAL INCOME ASSOCIATED WITH THE YOR OPPORTUNITY" everything in bold there was from yor and everything between the brackets where facts on what people did and maybe doing now but that doesn't make yor TO BLAME by any means of a scam. if i came to u and said ur gonna get rich and u felt for it then your stupid on your behalf and i was illegal on my behalf and if i get caught im terminated.. in this case that makes all pyramid screams not long lasting. not even more than 2yrs cause FTC will catch up and shut u down once proven your illegal. now that we have a history in the past we straiten up and very strict as u just read in the statement above and its been that way since. so you can Stay in the past my friend for u shall only see the mistakes and can't face the fact that we indeed went threw FTC and though we got an F based upon in the past thats a tag from the past not present. the past is the only credibility you can gain but u have no clue about now and how long we been clean for. People are gonna choose to believe you or there opinion whether they trust u or YOR. This is only me responding to you not to whoever reads this though everything i say is real and truth. if u had a messager i'll message u there. i was just board and wanted to see what people have to say based on the past and indeed responded though i don't think its nessasary but i have fun reading facts from people reading stuff from BBB and FTC while they don't know the whole story..have u ever saw something on the news about a someones death than years later u see a documentary of that same person that died and when u watch it your like NOOOOO its nothing how the news said it? i mean yea the news didn't lie about the death but the statements blinds u from how the death happened in the first place. .. have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

^^^you yourself dont believe all that bullshit you said. no matter who you blame it on "lucky seven" or the company itself its still a fucking scam. Ive seen it with my own eyes the way yor manipulates people into signing a contract. Fucking scammer

Anonymous said...

im really glad u said i don't believe what u called bullshit because now it clearly shows you just assume. how do you know i don't believe it or not. I would of not wrote that long ass story if
i didn't believe it. i didn't make it up its very true. If you thought i didn't believe what i wrote than your thoughts of whats a scam is just an assumption. I say assumption because you stated "even you don't believe that shit". how do you know that? you will only have to assume. well like i said i do believe that true story and it doesn't matter if i didn't because its a true story. I can now say i truly Know how u think as far as maybe not word for word but in terms of scam. you just think it is. i mean You said you know i don't believe that story so i guess your thoughts and veiws of is a scam. I guess u didn't assume and you knew for a fact...yea right whatever please. you lol. you don't know anything about only the facts in the past, not the stories at all, and maybe whats going on today.

BY the way i wanted to share this with you so COPY AND PASTE THE LINK BELOW

just something to look at. now try to convince me or others about that. We have that guy doing his speech on our business cards. if is so scam and illegal then why are we allowed to put a famous author on our business cards? its a quote of an author and its on that link..

im done on this site you created. i said what i wanted to say. you can fill this site with non sense and get a fan base cause all your gonna get. people are gonna follow their hearts wheather its a job offer, bussiness offer, an income offer, and boyfriend/ girlfriend offer, or a opportunity offer.

take care:)

Anonymous said...

For the love of god please get off this mans cock, every single rep brings him and donald trump up in every situation possible ,like I said for the last time I dont dought that mlm could be a good source of income is just that fucking or ig2 is not a good example of it.they are running a fucking pyramid scheme and you dont see it. My sister sells avon and I dont give a shit,because it a legit system. Do you understand what im saying.

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